

How FFA Developed My Love for Agriculture

年轻,开始,小 & 老农民

My journey through FFA isn’t your typical “ag kid” story, I did not have an agriculture background or experience until I joined my middle school’s FFA chapter and remained a very active member throughout high school. Before FFA, I was a meek and shy student who never raised their hand, spoke up, or volunteered for 任何东西. During my time in my high school’s FFA chapter, I was able to grow and thrive by trying out new 比赛 like Livestock Judging, 国会程序, 就业技能, and I was even on my school’s lamb showing team! I won first place with my lamb… once, but that’s beside the point. I started running for chapter officer positions my freshman year and eventually became my chapters President and the Appalachian Area FFA’s chapter President my senior year. FFA granted me endless opportunities that I can confidently say helped me become the woman I am today. FFA is more than just learning about farming and flowers - even though that is an important and fun part - it is learning true information about agriculture, 承担责任, 培养你的职业道德, 挑战自我, and serving those around you to the best of your ability. 

Through the FFA, I was pushed to my full potential - sometimes a potential I didn’t even know I had! There were many days prepping for 比赛, 事件, and community outreach activities that were tough and challenging but so rewarding to not only me but other FFA members and our community. And if you’re an FFA member reading this - run and thank your advisors for everything they are doing for you, I wouldn’t be who I am without mine! When I began my senior year of high school, I knew that I did not want to give FFA up when the year came to an end, I knew I had a lot left to give. I was blessed to be able to serve as one of the 2020-2021 Virginia FFA State Vice Presidents. 在我任职期间, I traveled the state with my eight amazing teammates, working with middle and high school FFA members teaching them about premier leadership, 个人成长, and career success through 车间s, 比赛, 志愿者活动, 以及FFA内部的更多信息. My year of service not only taught me how to operate on less than four hours of sleep and one, 是的一个, cup of coffee but most importantly it humbled me and taught me the impact of FFA and agriculture is everywhere you go - the grocery store, 年轻而好奇的学生, 教室里, 这是非常有名的, 蓝色灯芯绒夹克. 

This past summer I finished up my year of service as one of Virginia FFA’s State Vice Presidents and even though I can share so many experiences with you, I want to focus on the one that changed my life and will eventually, 如果还没有, 改变你的. These FFA members leading the next generation are a light amidst the darkness and unknown in this world, 他们将改变这个世界, they will remind you of the importance of agriculture and 他们会让你感到骄傲 to be a supporter of the FFA. Virginia FFA members changed me, 塑造了我, and inspired me to pursue agriculture education - they were my saving 格蕾丝 when I needed it the most. When you support an FFA kiddo, you are supporting the next agriculturalist, FFA顾问, 律师, 医生, 焊机, and a student like me that just needed a chance. If you’re struggling to find some hope in this world, sit and talk with an FFA member - your perspective will change and your hope will be renewed. Not even the challenge of a worldwide pandemic will stop them. 这些年轻人有勇气, 格蕾丝, and a work ethic you will not find anywhere else, 他们会让你感到骄傲. Most importantly, they will inspire you just like they did me. 

时不时地, I have the opportunity to head back to my roots and help with an FFA competition, 车间, or volunteer with Ag in the Classroom. Though my year of service has come to an end, my love for agriculture education has not. 明年, I plan to attend Virginia Tech to further my education and became an agriculture educator or FFA顾问. I will be forever grateful for the impact that the National FFA Organization has made in my life and I hope to share that with so many others. Support your local FFA members because they are working hard to ensure the success of FFA and agriculture of the future for you, me, 以及未来的世世代代.

Author:  Madeline Moore, Virginia FFA State Vice President, 2020-2021
